Wednesday, April 06, 2016


“Have you seen my gold earrings?” she asked.

“No darling. Did you check the cupboard?” replied her husband.

She searched everywhere, but couldn't find them. “It must be the maid,” she thought.

She accosted the maid, who didn't accept her guilt, and her month’s pay was deducted.

A week later, her diamond earrings went missing too.

She lodged a police complaint. The maid’s house was searched, articles ransacked, but in vain. Humiliated, she left work.

That night, at a nearby bar, her husband gambled with two diamond earrings, trying to compensate the loss he had faced with gold ones.

This 99 word fiction is shared with Blogging from A to Z April Challenge - E.


  1. Point blank and interesting reading, nice of you to share.

  2. The last line about the compensation was awesome :) Loved it :)


  3. Wily husband and poor maid. This concept of short fiction is good - delivers with a punch and takes less time to read :)

  4. Ohh poor maid and the wife... but she will know one day.

    A Whimsical Medley
    Twinkle Eyed Traveller

  5. The price of which the maid had to pay! Sad it is
