Showing posts with label society. Show all posts
Showing posts with label society. Show all posts

Friday, June 26, 2020


No matter how much we call for equality, the truth remains that there will always be a division in the society. Some will have power and the rest will look up to them.

The world can still live in harmony, only if the ones in power stop considering the others as powerless.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


The last vacation I took suddenly feels so distant. All the plans scheduled for this year too are in disarray. Frustrating, isn't it?

I know most of us would share the same feeling, of being caged and locked, not knowing when the world would be free again. But even in these trying times, there is one thing that still resides within us - HOPE. Don't let it go away.

We are blessed to be safe. Count the days, but patiently. These dark times too shall pass. Plans will be made again. Until then, revisit your memories with a smile. Go back to the old photographs of your previous vacations, embrace those moments. The #throwback times will be back again.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


This is what is happening today. You turn on the news and you find news anchors with their 'elite' panelists passing verdicts on issues that even the judiciary is yet to decide. Social media takes it forward, unearthing their own truth, and not hesitating before declaring anyone a criminal. How many lives have been lost, how many homes have been destroyed, we have no count.

And once we are bored with one 'news', we quickly move on to the new one, eager to pass our judgement again.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

How Online Dating Can Lead to Marriage Satisfaction

It is a no-brainer that online dating takes a lead these days among the many dating options that are available. Both millennials and the seniors have flooded the web to look for love. This has forced social researchers to get curious about the primary reasons leading to this. They also want to know whether online dating leads to marriage satisfaction now that many people are finding their partners here.

Without wasting much time, let us dive into these insights because they will surprise you.

What the Data Says

According to research, one out of three couples in developed countries have met online. This data is expected to change drastically in the future years with such couples becoming more common. But the interesting part is that spouses who met online are more satisfied than their counterparts who met online and even dated for a while.

Although it is too early to conclude, experts have said that marriages that resulted from online dating are less likely to seek divorce, which has been a big threat to young marriages these days. This means that online dating leads to marriages that are more satisfying. The numbers are already saying it all. Only 6 percent of people who meet online end up breaking up their marriages while the traditional avenues have a higher figure at 8 percent.

Why Marriages From Online Dating Are Better

Before someone goes online to look for a spouse, they must have thought about this issue. One of the popular dating sites that promotes both serious and сasual dating for everyone claims that most of their users are serious people who are looking for spouses. Making such a serious decision will force you to look for someone who is equally dedicated so that both of you will have the same goal of settling down. Look at these other reasons that make marriages from this platform more satisfying:

  • You get to see each other's profiles - Before people can start scrolling down the list of potential spouses, they are prompted to create a profile and indicate all of the qualities that they portray and even mention the type of person they want. When all other members have done this, it is easy to filter down to a partner with qualities that you desire.
  • You can compare - Online dating is very straightforward. It allows people to interact and get to know each other before they commit to anything. Thus, you can test the waters with a few potential candidates of your choice. So, you can either chat with them through the provided platforms or decide to go for a date and get to know each other more.
  • You can easily go back - If things do not work out well when you start dating, you can always go back to the drawing board and quickly start all over again. Since people know this, they rarely compromise their standards to accommodate people that do not meet their requirements.


Online dating has increased satisfaction in dating, and this is a great thing for couples. It is an easy avenue and you should try it if you have not been lucky enough to meet a serious partner by now.

Saturday, April 06, 2019


I am participating in National Poetry Writing Month 2019. 30 Poems in 30 Days is the target.

The Day 6 Prompt for #NaPoWriMo is to write a poem of the possible,that emphasizes the power of “if,” of the woulds and coulds and shoulds of the world.

Many a time we stop someone from doing something because of our concerns. That someone could be our family, or friend. It's good when we care for others, but if we are not alert, that care might cage them into a phobia. We should be more cooperative in such situations. Stopping our dear ones from pursuing their passion might have an adverse effect in all our lives.

you were miserably afraid
of the waves kissing your feet
panicking at every moment
when the water started to recede

urging me not to take you
near the tides churning the sea
you pleaded to be indoors
your voice, frighteningly dizzy

could it be 'cause of my warning
when as a child you jumped in the pool
I was scared you would be hurt
"No swimming unless 13"- I made the rule

I drove away your passion
unknowingly, replacing it with fear
only if I hadn't stopped you
can I ever forgive myself, dear

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Friday, April 05, 2019


I am participating in National Poetry Writing Month 2019. 30 Poems in 30 Days is the target.

The Day 5 Prompt for #NaPoWriMo is to write a poem that incorporates at least one of the following: (1) the villanelle form, (2) lines taken from an outside text, and/or (3) phrases that oppose each other in some way. I chose the first. The classic villanelle has five three-line stanzas followed by a final, four-line stanza. The first and third lines of the first stanza alternately repeat as the last lines of the following three-line stanzas, before being used as the last two lines of the final quatrain.

I have written poetry on social issues many a times. Today again, I have highlighted the need to channel one's enery and zeal while driving. I have seen many, specially the youngsters, trying to gain unnecessary accelaration and speed while riding motorbikes or driving cars. This can be very dangerous for themselves, as well as for the pedestrians. Speed should never be of utmost importance. It's the balance that one should focus upon. Don't risk your lives chasing few minutes of fake thrill. Life is too precious to be wasted in this fashion.

there was never ever a need
to be armed in fake pride
wish you'd checked your speed

you aimed to take the lead
be miles ahead of others, but
there was never ever a need

that day you're high indeed
no wonder, your sunken eyes
wish you'd checked your speed

a hundred times I did plead
"pull back, why this hurry"
there was never ever a need

they said, you didn't bleed
yet, the damage was within
wish you'd checked your speed

only if you had paid some heed
life's not to be wasted in misdeeds
there was never ever a need
wish you'd checked your speed

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Wednesday, April 03, 2019


riding in comfort
the seat-belt tucked in
waiting for the lights
to finally turn green

the car behind honks
meaningless, as in
the traffic wouldn't budge
until the lights turn green

you notice the counter
the seconds diminishing
a child walks up to you
before the lights turn green

he knocks at the window
selling pens, too keen
you turn your gaze away
when will the lights turn green

he pleads on and on
hoping to be seen
but poverty is invisible
neither red, nor green

frustrated by his nagging
you finally give in
you pull out your wallet
and the lights turn green

your dilemma is over
no, that boy had never been
you press down the accelerator
pleased, the lights are now green

the boy walks back to pavement
in hunger, thin and lean
the traffic lights too disobey
for him, they never turn green

I am participating in National Poetry Writing Month 2019. 30 Poems in 30 Days is the target.

The Day 3 Prompt for #NaPoWriMo is to write a piece that involves a story or action that unfolds over an appreciable length of time. I have attempted narrating a chain of events that occur in a short span of a minute, but even the minutes turn slower here. Time, after all, is relative. A minute might seem too soon when it's inviting. Again, it could trudge with lots of efforts when we really wish it to fly away faster.

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Saturday, March 03, 2018

Education - Right And Duty

I came across an interesting article yesterday while surfing through social media sites. It was the account of a daily wage-earner, a single parent, who despite limited means and tough financial conditions, admitted his son to school, took great care of his education (even though he himself didn’t study beyond the fifth grade), and ensured that he fared well in his studies. It was heartening to read how his son stuck by the belief of his father, earning high grades throughout school, high school and university, and is now working as an officer in a reputed Government organization.

We take things for granted, out education for example, but we can never undermine its importance in our lives. Again, in the past, there have been several cases of dropouts due to financial restraints, but owing to the new development in policies, primary education has now been declared as a right for all. Different types of schools, catering to people of all means have come up. Parents are more aware of the value of education, and the students are also growing smarter. The values they imbibe in childhood serve as a base as they grow up.

We can consider education as a triangle, with parents, teachers and students forming the three vertices. There should be mutual coordination among all three in order to have a successful education system. A good school isn’t just enough, it requires good teachers too, someone who can educate and not just teach, someone who can impart values and throw light on the next stages of life. A nascent mind needs guidance, and parents and teachers have equal responsibilities in nurturing a little child. A good understanding between the two is a must for a child to develop.

Schools conduct parent teacher meetings at regular intervals, a platform where they can share ideas and focus on their child. Parents should open up about the challenges they face, and so should the teachers. Education is a goal for them and a journey for the child. With proper care and diligence, the destination can be reached successfully.

There are schools for everybody now. We have public, private and charter schools. There are various models like the non-profit network of Rocketship Education, which follows a teacher-led, technology supported approach to personalized learning that suits the requirement of the students and their parents. Now, one doesn’t need to be rich to send his son or daughter to school. He should just have the understanding and know the value of education, and that is what is expected from all current parents, so that we have a brighter and smarter next generation.

Education is our right, as well as our duty, and we should stay true to both, for us, for our children, and for the society at large.