

Living in a life of faith, hope and joy, I believe in trust, truth and honesty. I am crazy at times, and sedate at others. Perhaps I dwell in this world of split personalities, where deception lies beyond every mask of love and loyalty. A deception so true, it has engulfed me in its soaring crests, and I fall flat in this valley of lies. Yet, I love this fall, as it gives me the power to rise again. Life is all about living, so let's live it in a way we want to live.

Blogging is a completely new experience for me...A world of freedom, of opportunities and chances...A world of joy and no regrets, of hope and ambition, nurtured in the thin veil of optimism and a warm compassion.

Writing is my passion, and so is reading. And that explains why I am here.


I aspire to share my world with you ... looking forward for your feedback.

Review Policy
I review books, products and campaigns. If you would like to have an honest and unbiased review, please drop me a mail at the below mentioned email id. 

I am open to collaborations and campaigns on my blog. In case you are interested, please drop me a mail for further discussions.

Note: All posts in this blog are written by me unless otherwise mentioned. I have given due credit to images/posts wherever required. In case you would like to reproduce any of my work for personal or commercial use, do let me know and I would be happy to discuss about it with you.

With love,
Amrit Sinha
(Green Speck)


  1. What an introduction sir! Nice..welcome to blogging world! Am sure you will create magic with your wand(read writing) :)

    1. Thanks Dark Angel...there r many magicians in this blogosphere (like you)...just want to learn in this world :-)

  2. Hello!!
    That's a lovely intro. I love the split personality part. We all are in some ways a combination of opposites, aren't we? Loved your blog. Following you back :)

    1. Thank You Swarnali ... I am glad you liked my blog :-)

  3. very nice "about page"...glad you meet you and follow your writing.

    1. Thanks Unfettered ... I love your poems too ... they have a unique style of their own :-)

  4. Hi This is Seema...Pramod's wife...I would write a separate email to seek advise on Blog..let me congratulate you for fantastic design and composition of your blog..and I liked the Words "Live the Life" most ..that's my motto of life too:-) great going...all the I am very much interested to read your e-book

    1. Thank You ... blogging is a great experience and I wish you all the best in it :-)

  5. What a lovely intro! I love that you embrace the fall, just to rise again. There is no light without reaching the depths of darkest. Many blessings on your journey here. :)

  6. Very nice introduction. This is my first time visiting your blog and it is such a nice experience reading all of the literary works posted. I write some literary pieces as well which is why I appreciate your blog. Kudos to you. :)

    1. Thanks Mr. Nightcrawler. I would love to check your blog too. Thanks for the visit :-)

  7. Enjoyed reading this intro page a lot, GS.

    PS. You wrote a comment on my post "1939--A Good year". It came through to my email--but never made it to the blog. I checked to see if it was held for any reason...not there. So this is a real puzzle to me. Anyway, I have not ignored or dissed you in any way. Sorry about the problem--first time in 4+ years this happened to me (Lots of OTHER things happen--grin!)

    Here is what my Email program brought:

    Green Speck has left a new comment on your post "1939--A GOOD YEAR!":

    Attitude of gratitude is what we should all possess ... lovely words !!!

    Posted by Green Speck to The Fourth Dimension at August 30, 2012 10:53 PM

    If you can, would you mind trying it again, so I can see if it is happening regularly? For whatever reason?
    A friend,

  8. Sure Steve .... Let's retry :-)

  9. Thanks for visiting my blog ... will follow yours ... Love, cat.

  10. Nice to meet you here and thanks for sharing your world with me.
    Note: You left a comment in my Blog (Post "About eyes") - I had an email with it - but it doesn't appear in my post, I don't know why, do you?
    I just wanted to let you know.

    1. Welcome to my blog Dulcina ... I love reading your poems as well :-) Regarding the comment, I have no clue as to why it happens :-)

  11. Loved reading your blog. I just have a simple question. i can't figure out how can one enter the Award contest. Thanks, take care :)

    1. Do you mean the Awards tab in my blog? Those are gifted by fellow bloggers :-) If you click on the awards' icons, they will redirect you to the pages of the blogger friends who had honored me with those :-)

      Thanks for visiting Tanya :-)

  12. wow, that is awesome...reading your words is like listening to the notes played on the piano....I will return to read more, that is for sure :-)

  13. Hello!Green speck... Nice to hear from you again...well you write superb and your words indeed have a magical spell...its SPELLBOUND...keep writing ,keep motivating...Great Thanks...GOD LOVE U

    1. Thanks for such nice words Adhi ... Have a great day :-)

  14. Oh I love the rhythm of your purpose...the honest journey, the passionate prose and soaring poetry-the desire to connect. Looking forward to reading more.

  15. Your words showcase your personality.. :)
    Long way to go!!!
    All the best!!!
    (My blog is

  16. Have been around your blog for quite some time..I think you are doing a marvelous job of portraying ur feelings into your writing...Loved the part when u said that we should fall...For harnessing the courage to build ourselves up...True words...
    Good Job man:)
    happy writing

    1. Thanks Aishwariya ... do keep visiting :-)

  17. Thanks so much for visiting my blog []and commenting! I appreciate it very much. :-D

    1. That's so nice of you :-) Welcome to my blog my friend !!!

  18. Replies
    1. It's always a pleasure to read your comments :-)

  19. Loved your unique introduction.

  20. Came here from goodreads and glad to find a nice to-read list for myself here. And the 'about me' sounds like a proof that you have a way with your words :-)

  21. Interesting Intro I am Impressed :)

  22. I just got birth as a blogger. :)
    Don't have ocean of impressive vocab., but plenty of thoughts.
    Found an ideal to follow..

    1. Thanks Pawan ... welcome to the blogging world :-)

  23. You write so beautifully! I had seen a few haiku and just read a few you have magic in your pen. How does a WordPress blogger follow a BlogSpot? I do have gmail and google+; I would love to get your blogs in my mail box...any idea??

    1. Thanks so much ... words like these motivate me :-)

      You can submit your email id in the button at the top right of this page ... thanks for visiting and appreciating :-)

  24. Hi Amrit, I have nominated you for the Liebster award. Please accept if it isn't against your blog policies. Further details here.
