
Monday, September 11, 2017

The Sapling

the sapling could grow no more
however hard I tried
the stems broken, the roots uprooted
I feared it might have died

I bent down, unearthing the core
the soil swept out of pot
then I planted the sapling back
hoping the leaves no longer rot

watering it day after day
nourishing under the sun
the sapling was all I had
my weary soul's companion

I spoke with it, at length
and hours would pass so soon
now I get no answers back
the green have started to swoon

who could damage a being so quiet
whose tears too have no room
the sapling stooped towards the dust
losing amidst the blue of moon

the sapling could grow no more
however hard I tried
wrinkled, broken, and deeply withered
it gave up before it cried

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  1. sad...attachment brings in pain! beautifully composed Amrit :)

  2. A sad poem, but very good. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. thanks for playing the Sunday Writing prompt Amrit :)

    This is an interesting interpretation of the collage and prompt idea : adjust to the space of self

    I like how you've chosen something natural - a seedling, a plant, to focus the idea - to explore life through its life cycle - and how with help, which is either constructive or positive, or sometimes not, nurturing is not always nurturing, how nature - a cycle, will unfold, as it wishes, as it must, as it should.

    There are many layers to this piece - a gentle unfolding - and it's really quite lovely.
    Well done.

  4. So sad. I was hoping it would rally.

  5. Leaves me with a tinge of sadness yet I like the subtle nuances and the sensitivity in the composition.

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  7. I see "saplings" dying all the time on our busy hospital unit, my friend ... people mean well and bring in flowers all the time ... all kinds of flowers ... ya ... Love, cat.

  8. Such beautiful poetry of growing with care and detachment touched in such a gentle manner. Superb poetry and analogy used to describe what we go through.

  9. Sad indeed.Touchingly worded and versed.

  10. who could damage a being so quiet
    whose tears too have no room
    the sapling stooped towards the dust
    losing amidst the blue of moon

    This is beautifully poignant!
