
Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Perfect Valentine - Asus Zenfone

Let me tell you my story in flashback. You can name it my Valentine’s Day adventures, or rather the lack of them. It all started when I stepped into the shoes of adolescence, with my heart pumping love instead of blood. I so desired to have a partner, to share ice creams and chocolates, but then how can one fight against destiny? So while my dreams of ice creams and chocolates were being turned into reality by other couples, I slowly started avoiding the dreaded 14th February.

But then friends turned evil, and often asked me my plans for the V-Day. During my initial years, I knew not what to say, so I used to mumble a vague response and run away. However, as I grew older, I developed the art of lying, and my response to their smirks used to be in the form of cooked up love tales with imaginary girls. They believed me, or I felt so.

Good things happen if you wait, they say. I don’t know who these ‘they’ are, but they couldn’t have been more correct. When all of a sudden, out of the blue, love held my hands, or rather I held love, tightly, passionately. 14th February of 2015 was not about cooked up stories. It was about my real love affair with my perfect Valentine, my Asus Zenfone.

There are several reasons why she is so perfect, but the first and foremost feature that caught my attention was its primary camera. The five element optical formula lens added an all new dimension to the pictures I captured. The images were crisp and clear, and perfectly focussed. In fact, I abandoned my digital camera once I had Asus Zenfone with me.

This is the age of selfies, and my Valentine scored a perfect ten in that department as well. The front secondary camera is good, with a more than decent resolution, and let me click innumerable selfies, which I can upload to my Facebook profile, with the tagline – “Picture Courtesy: Asus Zendfone, my Valentine.” Jealous, ha!

Asus Zenfone is one of the prettiest partners one could have. Trust me, ‘cause I mean it. With a sleek body, and the option of changing the covers at my whim, I have the luxury to dress it in whatever way I want. The cases come in numerous colours, bright and gorgeous, and I could make it sport a new colour every day.

My Valentine scores brownie points in its incredible performance. The Intel Atom 2520 processors run most applications, without any lag or delay. In fact, even the high end apps and games ran with tremendous ease and smoothness. Now, who wouldn’t like to have a love like that?

Last but not the least, Asus Zenfone has a longer battery life, compared to several other phones in the market. That means I can perform my necessary tasks without worrying about the charger point. Isn’t that the best thing that a cell phone can offer you in the modern world?

Asus Zenfone is not just any other phone. It’s love, the perfect Valentine.

This is my official entry to #UnconditionalLove with the Zenfone Happy Hours organized by Indiblogger in association with Asus Zenfone.

Check out the link below to know more:

I agree to ensure (to the best of my abilities and circumstances) that this blog post will remain accessible in an un-altered state for a minimum of one year.


  1. Damn! I wanna know about your real valentine ;)

  2. Nice read.All the best with your real love till a prettier love charms you in the new gen-era.

  3. Being the true romantic that you are, I am not surprised that you can even make a phone sound romantic LOL

  4. Thats a nice one Amrit...
    Now please write about how you met your real valentine :P

  5. great blog, very inspiring
    lets follow each other! just let me know and I will follow back :)

