
Sunday, February 01, 2015

Quikr NXT - The Next Best Thing For Buyers And Sellers

Do you have a product you do not need and wish to sell? On the other hand, would you like to buy something that would be useful to you from a person who currently owns it?  In case of most of us, the answer to both the questions will be a big ‘Yes’, isn't it? However, how shall we find out who is in need of what I want to sell, or who is willing to give away what I would like to have?

Gone are the days of classified ads in newspapers and magazines, where people had to wait for days to get a satisfactory response. With the advent of Quikr, things certainly have become a lot better, and smoother.

Quikr is a completely hassle free platform that allows the buyer and the seller to communicate with each others, gauge their needs and have a healthy transaction. It is a site that helps you get quick responses to your search, and fulfills your demands within the blink of an eyelid. Quikr as a tool is definitely a need of the modern times, with more and more people opting to this service.

With the introduction of Quikr Nxt, the online deals and transactions on Quikr is slated to turn smoother. It provides users the ability to chat with the seller, and proceed with the transactions even without a single phone call. Isn't it cool? I always felt that a proper chat mechanism should always be in place for sites like this, as chats are often preferred over phone calls. My reasons, here they are:

Though we live in a social world, we all like to maintain a certain degree of privacy in our lives. We all demand a personal space for ourselves, without unwanted disturbances. When we exchange our phone numbers for product transactions, there is always a risk of our contact information being compromised and shared with others. Also, we wouldn't prefer unwanted calls at any time. A chat eliminates these risks, guaranteeing us a privacy we all have a right to.

It’s difficult to trace everything that’s discussed in a telephonic conversation. Sure, we can install a call recorder that would store the conversations, but honestly, how often do we use this functionality. In a service like Quikr, where the minutest details of selling and buying are so important, a written record is the best option to have. Thus, if you are looking for a product, and a seller offers it to you, you can easily converse with him over chat (the chat conversations get stored and can be retrieved anytime) and get all doubts clarified. Both the parties will then be on the same page, and there will be zero confusion.

A chat saves our time. It’s direct and to the point, and often leads to a quicker result than a phone call. What more, you can work on multiple things while chatting, thus utilizing your time in the best possible manner. Chatting doesn't need as much attention that’e required for a phone conversation, and hence is more relaxing and has an easy approach. Chat can happen anywhere, anytime, and in convenience of both the parties concerned.

Is Quickr Nxt the next best thing for buyers and sellers? Well, it certainly seems so.

This is my official entry to Get Quikr NXT! Happy Hours organized by Indiblogger in association with Quikr.

Check out the official page below:

I agree to ensure (to the best of my abilities and circumstances) that this blog post will remain accessible in an un-altered state for a minimum of one year.


  1. it is true, we cannot remember all the details of a call so chat is really helpful :)

  2. almost all the points which yu mentioned abt the benefits of chat hold good...

    btw i had read love stories that touched my heart a few months back.keep writing

  3. You have explained all the pros and cones. Chat saves time.Nice.

  4. I think Quikr is one of the best plat form and after the launch of Quikr Nxt you can handle things smoothly and secretly without displaying your number. I have nominated you for The versatile blogger award. You can see your nomination at
