
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Pampering With Pampers

I had no clue about babysitting. I loved playing with babies, but when they started crying, I gave up. My attempts to console them went in vain, and I searched for resignation. I didn’t know how to console them and stop them from crying, but then as they say, time is a very good master. It teaches you all. And it taught me on one December day when I received a phone call from my aunt.

“Hi Amrit. You Uncle and I have to go out of town tonight on a business assignment. We will be back tomorrow morning. Can you please take care of your brother until we are back?”

I said yes, and then doubts crowded my mind. The baby was just a year old, and as such, would be throwing tantrums at whim. I had no definite plan to calm him when such situations arise. I said my prayers multiple times and went to my Uncle’s place at seven in the evening.

“Lock the door securely, and do not open it for anyone. We will be back by nine in the morning,” said Uncle and took his car out from the garage. Aunt kissed the baby and went and sat besides uncle in the car. Through the open window, they waved at me, and I closed the door once they were out of sight.

Little Abir was a playful child. I took out his toys from the cupboard and arranged them on the bed, watching him play. After a few minutes, he started scratching his head which I interpreted as a sign of boredom. Aunt had already fed him his dinner so I didn’t have to worry about it. However, I had to make sure his mind was kept engaged until he slept.

Until he slept! When would he sleep?

The baby came and sat in my lap, tugging at my specs. I handed him a teddy bear and he got busy with it. And then I felt a certain warmth on my trousers. Oh no. He wasn’t wearing a diaper.

The baby started crying. I kept him on the bed and ran all over the room, trying to find a diaper for him. Finally, in one of the open drawers, I noticed a pack of Pampers Baby Dry Pants. I quickly took one diaper out of it and made the baby wear it. He started smiling and giggling.

Ah, what a relief!

I arranged his little pillows and made him lie on the bed. I massaged his hands and feet and started singing songs that I know, lullabies that I have heard. Babies are sweet, they don’t judge you. They just want your love and company. After a few minutes, Abir slept. I too lied down beside him, but I knew my ordeal wasn’t yet over. When his diaper would get wet in the middle of the night, I had to get up and change it. This was going to be a long night, I thought.

I was wrong. I didn’t remember when I had fallen asleep. I woke up with the bright sun rays pouring into the room through one of the open windows. The wall clock said it was seven o’ clock. I looked beside me and found the baby sleeping peacefully. I was amazed. Didn’t the diaper get wet in the middle of the night? Why didn’t the baby cry?

It was then that I realized that Pampers Baby Dry Pants is no ordinary diaper. It keeps the baby dry, relaxed and comfortable. As such, the baby is always in a happy mood, making you and everyone around happy. I am glad to have used Pampers Baby Dry Pants on the baby, and it made baby sitting an enjoyable experience.

My uncle and aunt arrived at nine, and thanked me for staying over.

“Don’t thank me. It’s Pampers Baby Dry Pants I should be grateful to,” I replied, and they smiled.

This is my official entry to Bedtime Rituals Happy Hours organized by Indiblogger in association with Pampers.

Check out the link below to know more:

I agree to ensure (to the best of my abilities and circumstances) that this blog post will remain accessible in an un-altered state for a minimum of one year.


  1. Such a cute story Amrit!! I personally prefer pampers over any other brand.. even huggies and I should know the importance of choosing the best diaper! And only the best!

  2. This was cute! Little Abir :)
    Good luck with the contest!
