
Sunday, July 06, 2014

Enticingly Sumptuous

From a distance it looked like a garden, assembled in a glass container. As he inched closer, walking towards the window in the dining room, the steaming fragrance of chicken rice seeped in through his senses, turning him numb for a few moments, his eyes closed, as the hot blend of spices and warm basmati rice overpowered his taste buds.

He licked his lips, once, twice, thrice. The chicken rice, neatly presented in a Borosil casserole, resembled a heady concoction of colors, each possessing a different aura. The green capsicum, the white rice, the spicy chicken pieces and fragrant sprinkling of numerous vegetables added an alluring flavor to it. If fate would have been kinder, he could have been served those delicacies. Alas, it was not to be so.

He turned his gaze towards the center table, where a mix of cucumber, onion and carrots adorned the ambiance with its refreshing hues. An orchard that complements well with the garden, the rice, he thought. A mini plate, transparent, another product of Borosil, showcased these delicacies. On another side, a serving plate with brown mutton kebabs lured his hungry eyes. Soft and enticing, the shapely vapors emanating out of them had an enduring effect on him. Should he make a dash towards the room and grab a morsel? His stomach yearned to savor such inviting dishes.

A Borosil jug, filled with an orange ocean of tangy delight, completed the course. The juice, looked refreshing, and promised to satiate his thirsty soul. He has wandered for days, hungry and thirsty, and now finally it seemed God has answered his prayers. This was an opportunity he couldn't afford to miss.

Without delaying for even a minute, he ran straight to the dining table. His tongues plundered the nooks and corners of the casserole filled with chicken rice, ecstasy burning his inside with an amiable force he had never witnessed before. He munched on the kebabs, its softness gliding through his throat. Ah, such divine delicacy, certainly a gift humans are born with. He gobbled the salad and licked the orange juice, thanking his stars for having guided him to this house. Having satisfied his hunger, he jumped from the table.

“Mom, look … a cat!” a little boy squealed as he noticed the cat in the room.

“Oh God. It seems to have eaten everything that we had prepared,” his mother came rushing out of the kitchen.

The boy chased the cat, but the cat was quicker, running out of the house with a few sprightly leaps, licking his tongue in delight and hoping for another delicious sumptuous Borosil menu in the coming days.

This is my official entry to 'My Beautiful Food' contest organized by Indiblogger in association with Borosil.

Check out the official page below:


  1. Yours was the most creative post for the contest. Best of luck

  2. Whoa...that's a super six...I second Red...the most creative post :D

    Good luck Amrit! :D

  3. Wow!! That was so interesting.I like this unique piece of writing from your pen. Brilliant! :)
    All the best.

  4. Very nice... So soon I will be seeing you on Zee Khana Khazan :p

  5. Keep the good work on.... !!! Nice description.

  6. OMG!!! Freaking awesome post and the lucky cat is sending you to Zee Khannaa Khazana for sure :P
