
Monday, November 04, 2013


I wouldn't mind erasing the past, but what's the guarantee for a better future?

Things have changed, people have moved on, leaving me abandoned, isolated.

Memories linger, in warm summer mornings, and in cool wintry nights, the sunny balm and the icy smoothness melting my heart, as I whisper tears.

Dwelling in hypocrisy, should I lay rest to the sweet whispers that play gentle music in my head, throbbing against the veins; my arteries tuned with love, her love?

I reside in indecision, uncertainty my forte, but someday, and someday soon, things either need to go back, or run forward; and till then, I relish the un-erased vacuum.

This Five Sentence Fiction is shared with Little McFerrin Writes - Erased.


  1. I love this Mr. Sinha! The first line itself is enough for me to say that :)

  2. Ahhh ...lovely....Another magnificent play at words.... :)

  3. Yes memories do linger and the past can often be ruminated about but the future can be brighter than ever if we believe :)

    BEAUTIFULLY written!

  4. Your writing is impeccable. This is a great post!

  5. The question you start your post with is something that cannot be answered in the absolute. Uncertainty is what makes life intriguing. Loved the write-up Amrit!!

  6. There is a certain romanticism in relishing in the un-erased vacuum.

  7. First thing, you inspire me to keep blogging... And this post... aha.. it penetrates through the think membrane of a preserved heart... so smoothly, so savagely :)

    1. Wow ... now this makes me feel really special :-)
