
Tuesday, November 05, 2013

November Books

As the winter dawns in Gurgaon, the sweaters and jackets find their way out of the cupboard. The temperature drops gradually, signalling the arrival of chill, something I had never experienced in Kolkata. Winters in Kolkata were cool and pleasant. Gurgaon refuses to be cooperative.

But then, if you have books, and a warm blanket, you can endure any weather. I am lucky in that regard, as I have quite a few paperbacks waiting to be read and savored, in this month of November.

There will be additions to the list in the coming days. Till then, I will be pretty occupied with these, and their soothing warmth.

This post is shared with Book Haul - November.


  1. Yes, I will read a lot ... winter is here, Mr G.... much snow, like always ... and I will read books, real books, not e books ... I long to feel the pages and the paper ...

    1. Yes I too love paper books ... they are really enchanting:-)

  2. The world of books is indeed magical. The best possible winter pastime is to snuggle up and read, with an occasional sip of tea and something chat-pata to munch on... The smell of paper books old or new has an inexplicable charm.

  3. Winter in Delhi has arrived with a bang. This is rightly the time to enjoy the warmth of a light quilt with a book and occasional naps in between.

  4. Winters spent snuggling under a warm blanket, a paperback, and a mug of steaming hot chocolate. Mahn, this is the life :)
