
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Poison Love

The candles refused to burn tonight,
Play with me till our passions ignite,
Not a moment to lose, nor no time to waste,
Let us proceed, though with minimal of haste.

I have waited for this hour throughout,
Since the time I saw you, I dreamt us making out,
The carnal desire finally took me over,
This is my place, but I am lost forever.

Love or lust, I couldn't differentiate,
Who the hell cares, it's all my fate,
Lucky me that I have you in my arm,
I will love you until the ice melts warm.

Pigs sweat, and so do I,
The animal in me makes you shy,
I hold you up, and hug you tight,
How lovely it seems, it feels so right.

We lie down together, you by my side,
Your lifeless body silent with pride,
I look at you and tears fill my eye,
Why couldn't you do this when you were alive?

The lover in me you did refuse,
What problem was there had you been my muse?
You should have let me perform my art,
And then had tasted the magic in parts.

Relenting is futile now,
In absence of soul, your body still looks wow,
Painful it was to steal your life,
Bitch you deserved it, you failed as a wife.

The venom had been a faithful servant,
A resolution so natural you couldn't prevent,
Your heart paused, but my beat began,
Every night I will savor you again and again.

You stare at me with long lost gaze,
I kiss your lips and go down the maze,
Picking you up, I place you in,
The coffin I close, will unlock when I am keen.


  1. Nice one, you are sounding like Eminem! hmmm!!

  2. A long lost gaze has a power to turn one's world upside down, I always thought.

    Thank you for stopping by, Green Speck. Your feedback on my writing made me glad.

    Happy Blogging!

    1. Thanks for reading this poem...this poem was really difficult to write as I had to get into a devilish mindset to fathom the situations occurring here (I am not such a devil though :-P )

      Thanks once again :-)

  3. Eeeew, getting intimately dark! x

    1. Just thought of exploring the darkest side of human, of love and passion...wrote this poem as an experiment with the negative side of mankind...hope you liked it :-)

  4. Oh me its too dark here...but you wrote it really well.

  5. Thanks for dropping by my blog. Today, I have noticed that although you have started blogging the other day , you have already written quite a few posts! Good that you are regularly writing. I believe that the more we write, the more we get to know ourselves better as a creative person and as a writer and discover many unknown facets about us and our creativity.
    Today, I read three of your old posts-"Wrier's block", "Waiting" and "Studying the rain" and I liked them. I agree that if we write /blog everyday, or regularly, there cannot be any writer's block. I also loved the poem "waiting", loved the style of writing. And "studying the rain" really gave solace to my soul, the way it was narrated, simple yet beautiful. Keep blogging!

    1. Thanks La Dolce Vita...I try to write as much as I can.... writing gives me pleasure like nothing else, and helps me channelising my thoughts in the right direction....

      Thanks for your encouragement :-)

  6. Replies
    1. Coffins indeed are hateful...but then they are the resting place for souls departed :-)

  7. Sigh. This made me think of things I have been trying to forget.

    1. Some things can'be forgotten...they should just be accepted :-)

      Thanks for reading :-)

  8. Amazingly beautiful write up.. This poetry is hypnotizing :) Great work..

  9. what to say... Commenting in few lines won't be possible for me. Its a saga...!
    Dark yet meaningful. I personally don't prefer hateful emotions that lead to death, but its artistic beauty certainly hooks the reader in me... And yes, here's something you could practice with your guitar :)

  10. cold and piercing... I've read it earlier also, but it filled me with the same dread much as before... kudos :)
