
Friday, October 31, 2014


There were three of us - Jack, Selena and me. I didn't like the way Jack and Selena held each other, whenever we met outside the cafe. It burnt me from within.

I bought a revolver.

The next day's Daily featured the sensational murder of Jack.

"I love you Selena, so I had to kill Jack. Be mine please," I confessed to her.

She looked at me in horror, and started to scream. I realized I was running short of options. Two shots reverberated in the room.

The next day's Daily featured the sensational deaths of Selena and me, Juliet.

This 100 words Micro-fiction is shared with Friday Fictioneers.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


I talk to the waves
adopt pristine loneliness
on warm summer night

This Haiku is shared with Carpe Diem - Nights of Summer.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Love Oath

a red sparkling star
swims over the swirling mist
their lips seal love oath

This Haiku is shared with Carpe Diem - Sparkling Stars.

"Blind" Faith

(Image Source:

holding hands unknown
he walks across the zebra
world dark, but not faith

This Haiku is shared with Haiku My Heart - Leap of Faith.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Five Little Witches

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five little witches
knock loudly on wooden doors
their words - "trick or treat"

Monday, October 20, 2014

Tales Of Bliss

books, designed on the shelf
to be read, worshiped
and cherished

I wonder at the marvel
how these gems are penned
by mortals who rise above the rest
their words resonating deep and wide
across timeless horizons, over pink clouds

I pray
and I wish
to imbibe these values
of greatness beyond boundaries

someday, perhaps a few words
from my dusty pages
would rain 

and I shall sleep in peace
carrying a hope
and tales of bliss

This Poem is shared with


releasing her fears
she sets afloat paper boat
lost stories on board

This Haiku is shared with Haiku Horizons - Release.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Health Is Happiness

Children make the house more vibrant. They are the source of happiness and the joy that binds the family together. Their playful antics, the naughtiness and their innocence add beauty to any abode. However, when these children fall sick, a gloomy atmosphere haunts the entire household.
I recently visited a friend of mine while vacationing in Delhi. He is married, and has a five year old kid. Always a jovial person, Arpan, my classmate from school, was known to be a man of unparalleled humor, always being the life of any social gathering. However, when I met him after almost half a decade, his appearance narrated a sorry tale.

I found him aged beyond years. When asked about the reason, he said that things were all going well until the last few days, when high fever gripped hold of his son. Always an active boy, the five year old Kito was now confined to bed. The medicines were hardly doing any good, and the fever was accompanied with chills. A few medical tests, and it was evident that the little child was suffering from Malaria.

Immunity plays a key role in our lives. For a kid, that's of prime importance. A healthy kid leads to a healthy teenager, and eventually to a fit adult. On the contrary, a kid who is not taken care of properly turns out weak as he grows older. With proper supervision, Kito got well after a few days. The family doctor then suggested to give him proper food, reduce his junk intake and make sure that he gets a good dose of outdoor games and activities. Also, he suggested a spoon of Dabur Chyawanprash for the child, every morning and evening, as he said that would increase his inner immunity, providing resistance to germs and diseases of all forms.

Kito recovered, and the house was back to its brimming self. Arpan once again returned to his natural form, cracking jokes and entertaining me and others with his bagful of humor. Kito often invited me to play Cricket with him, along with his friends, and I didn't mind. After all, isn't it nice to relive your childhood? I was doing exactly that.

My vacation eventually came to a pleasant conclusion, and I bid farewell to my friend and his family. The last few days taught me how important a child and his/her health is to the entire family. Shouldn't a kid be provided with the best of care, so that not only he/she keeps smiling all the time, but his/her parents too live in a happy and peaceful ambiance?

That is the world we should all look forward to. That is the dream we should all turn into a reality.

After all, Health is Happiness.

Indeed !!!

This is my official entry to 'A healthy child makes a happy home' contest organized by Indiblogger in association with Dabur Chyawanprash.

Check out the official page below:

#GharWaliDiwali - Memories And Moments

There are moments when you just want to be at home, with your family, spending the time with your loved ones over heaps of laughter and tonnes of joy, the hustle and bustle of the busy streets sounding musical even in its cacophony.

That’s the magic of Diwali, that invites you, embraces you, and celebrates the occasion of togetherness, emphasizing the values and the cultures we are all born with, signifying the warmth and affection that are rooted deep within us.

As I look back at the tracks of time, the festive aroma grips me, driving a smile on my face after a hectic day at work. Diwali had always been one of the most awaited festivals of the years. As soon as the new Calendar was hung on the walls, the first question that crept in my mind was – “When is Diwali?” School days came bundled with a two days holiday, and a week - long advance preparation of buying fireworks for the occasion. Initially, I insisted on crackers, but then the high pitched sound caused by them, resulting in discomfort of those residing in the nearby old age home, made me do away with them. Diwali then turned into a peaceful procession of light, fire and fun and frolic.

After a week of preparation focused on cleaning the house and buying new clothes for the occasion, as well as gifts for families and friends, the D-Day finally arrived. Diyas and lamps were placed at various positions in the house, resulting in an illumination so radiant that I felt all problems being swept away in the bright rays of hope.

Fireworks adorned the evenings. The grounds burst in sparkling showers, while the skies rained in colorful extravaganza. Friends and families came together, and a seemingly endless day of enjoyment began with refreshments, lightings, chit- chats, games and delicious food. The celebration lasted long into the nights, the sleep bugs disappearing for the day, and the festive enthusiasm gripping hold of the vibrant energy in me.

Staying away from home, these moments revisit, bringing those smiles and cheers that are somewhere hidden in the closet of my hearts. I get out of my building, the lanes and by-lanes that have become my new abode in the last one year, greet me with fervor anew. I, with my friends, munch on Kurkure, and a few sips of Pepsi, sharing the memories that we have all relished with our respective families on occasions of Diwali. New bonds are formed, and friendships attain an all new meaning on this festive occasion. True, I miss the beauty of #GharWaliDiwali, but then again, the festival never fails to brighten me up. With communication today so fast paced with the advent of internet, home is just a few clicks away, and though there are miles that separate me and my family, the love we share on this occasion beats with every heartbeat.

This is my official entry to 'Diwali - a time for family!' contest organized by Indiblogger in association with PepsiCo#GharWaliDiwali.

Check out the official page below:

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Tea On His Saucer

tea on his saucer
he sips and reminisces
black hair turning gray

This Haiku is shared with Carpe Diem - Tea.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Beep Beep

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Beep beep
Yeah that is you
Beep beep
Aah oh so true
Beep beep
A curse in time
Beep beep
Like bitter lime
Beep beep
You are hateful
Beep beep
Just be grateful

'cause you are alive
My dagger my knife
Are lost in the kitchen
That's filled with lichens
I'm scared to go
And thus no show
Revenge some day
Till then don't cross my way

Beep beep
You are devil
Beep beep
The worst evil
Beep beep
Yes that is you
Beep beep
Aah oh so true

Thursday, October 16, 2014


amidst passing crowd
old man plays his broken drum
a sole cat listens

This Haiku is shared with Haiku Horizons - Drum.

Escape From Hell

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trapped by zombies
I would love comedies
last wish you say
gonna be my way
'cause they could bite
and I would fight
till breaths run last
and time flies fast

one, two, three and five
forget the count, I gotta strive
run, run, run, jump and run
chase is on, let's have some fun
I would live to tell this tale
and then name it - 'Escape From Hell'
mountains high and oceans shall I scale
until am safe, and all is well

This Poem is shared with Imaginary Garden - Out of Standard - The "Z" Word.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Dance To The 7 Tunes Of Success - Review

Change the world with your standards of excellence
It’s time to breakthrough, not breakdown. It’s time to give your all and not give up. It is time to put your best foot forward and Dance to the 7 Tunes of Success
Success is not just about achieving your goals, it is about making the most while you’re on your way to your goal. You are happy when you achieve success, but you also achieve success when you are happy. 
Dance to the 7 Tunes of Success puts together the 7 invaluable pieces of life’s puzzle in the right sequence and pattern to bring out the real potential in each one of us. The 7 tunes of our life work wonderfully in rhythm to reveal the gifts we possess. It is thus time to break out of our comfort zone and create a legacy for a more purposeful world. It’s time to broaden our horizons with new and powerful ideas on being happy and making a positive difference to life. 
Let the ideas take you to the next level. Let that time be NOW!

About the Author
Nishit Lal is a renowned speaker on self-development and high achievement. A former employee at Infosys, he has conducted several leadership and emotional intelligence workshops for a wide range of audiences using Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques. With a Bachelors degree in Technology and a Masters in Human Resource Management, he conducts interesting and powerful training programs to transform lives. Prior to this, Nishit has authored two widely acclaimed books. You can reach him at

What is success? The simplest of answers would be – something that we all crave for. Pretty obvious, isn’t it? But therein lies the complexity. People have different goals in life, achievement of which they term as success. However, the goals of two people may not be alike, and what one can term as success may not seem so to the other person. In a world of relativity, where there is no definite scale to measure the parameter, how do we find out what is success? Moreover, how can we make sure that we are successful in our lives?

Nishit Lal tries to answer some of these questions in his book ‘Dance To The 7 Tunes Of Success.’ As the name suggests, the book deftly points out 7 key ingredients that can help a person achieve success, and ensure a path towards his or her destination. These seven items that have been mentioned are – Passion, Purpose, Productivity, Perception, Possibilities, Practice and Potential. Separate chapters have been assigned to each one of these. The author starts out by defining these terms, and then proceeds onwards to unravel the secret recipe.

One can find several self – help and motivational books in the market. Why should one pick up this book? The reason becomes obvious as you start reading it. The definition of the seven essential ‘tunes of success’ are apt and totally justify their selection into the list. The author then analyzes each of these terms, pointing out what it could mean in different scenarios. Through situational observation and detailed analysis, Nishit Lal successfully presents to us his thoughts, ideas and the purpose of writing this book. He never beats around the bush, and is direct in his language. The best thing about the ‘Dance To The 7 Tunes Of Success’ is the use of snippets every now and then. The stories and life incidents of several legendary icons have been penned down, which serve as a much needed push to the readers in achieving what seems impossible today. True, no one was born successful, and only through sheer will power and hard work can one taste the delicacies of success.

The cover of the book, depicting a person flying high, in blue sky with tinge of yellow, is perfect keeping in mind the theme it deals with. The flowing water below, and the bridge, add a sense of serenity, and the readers feel entitled to pick up the copy and give it a look. The colors and the background art add a positive aura to the book.

Dance To The 7 Tunes Of Success’ is interactive and introspective. The narrative is brisk and you don’t feel like stopping in the middle. The ideas presented in the book can be implemented by any person in quest of success, with results likely to follow. This is one book that can really liven up your mood, and motivate you to walk faster towards your goal. A book that can be read any time, any season, and any where, ‘Dance To the 7 Tunes Of Success’ should be right up there on your shelf.

Title: Dance to the 7 Tunes of Success
Authors: Nishit Lal
Publisher: Jaico Publishing House
Publication Year: 2014
Language: English
Binding: Paperback
Genre: Self - Help
No. of Pages: 168
Price: Rs 225
My Rating: 4/5

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A New Day To Love

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in light, we walk through
crimson alleys with gold dust
a new day to love

This Haiku is shared with Haiku My Heart - How Light Becomes Love.

Monday, October 13, 2014


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those priceless moments
when our eyes meet, and we smile
fireworks in my heart

This Haiku is shared with Carpe Diem - Hanabi (Fireworks).

A Fly

if I were a fly
I would hide myself
from tears, yours
and guilt, mine
somewhere in your room
so that dawn gifts me
a sight of you
and dusk shall hide
those feelings still true

This Poem is shared with Poetry Jam - If I Were.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Beyond School - Review

Beyond School centres upon the weeks leading up to 17-year-old Shail s final board exams, as his world becomes a pressure-cooker and the weight of preparing for the exams sends him fleeing rebelliously in the other direction. Along with Shail's journey from boyhood to manhood, Beyond School vividly weaves between the narratives of four main characters, seamlessly uniting the past and present of Shail, his parents-Urmila and Sushil and his mentor-Gladys, in a story that is honest, funny, heartbreaking and ultimately, incredibly human.

About the Author
Chitra Anand was born in Mumbai. She is a postgraduate in Physics and holds an Education degree. Beyond School is her first novel inspired by her journey as an educator.

‘Beyond School’ starts with a regular morning in school, but unfortunately the events that come to light on that morning makes it anything but ‘regular’. A sixth grade girl’s journal is brought to the attention of the teachers and the parents where she has mentioned about her attraction towards a boy. The poor girl is rebuked and scolded by one and all, except Gladys Assumption, who is the student counsellor. Question arises on the child’s character, as to how a young girl could write such things. ‘Unnatural’ and ‘bad’, is it?

Chitra Anand’s debut novel poses some smart questions urging the readers to answer. In the dawn of adolescence, a child undergoes various types of changes, both physical and mental. Needs and wishes change, dreams take a complete makeover, and an all – together new psychological approach is needed to nourish the kids. The notion of good and bad, and the importance of studies, alongside the benefits of extra - curricular activities should be taught to them. Parents, guardians and teachers have a key role to play in shaping up a child’s future.

All these aspects are very well reflected in ‘Beyond School’ through the protagonist Shail. He dreams of being a football star, but his lack of interest towards studies poses a big concern in the minds of his parents, Sushil and Urmila, considering the fact that his board exams are knocking wildly at the doors. Shail thinks of his father as a dictator who forces him to study all the time, and also usurps his mobile phone. However, the author successfully manages to portray different view points here. We get to know about Shail’s thinking and can sympathize with him, ‘cause we have all gone through the phase and trauma of being horrified with the board exams. Again, from another angle, we also understand the concerns of Sushil and Urmila, who want the very best for their child, and thus their strict nature is ably justified.

The narrative of the story is lucid, and has a smooth flow. While the first part of the story throws a lot of promise and successfully holds on to your attention, the second part turns out to be a bit clogged, with a lot of issues being dealt with at the same time. The fluent pace in the first half suddenly turns erratic in the second, while the feel – good factor too changes into a sombre hue.  There are moments in the first half when you feel like applauding the writer’s style, but unfortunately, nothing like that happens in the final half of the book.

The characterization is decently done, with almost equal coverage given to Shail, Sushil and Urmila. However, Gladys manages to win the hearts of the readers as a caring and understanding teacher who wants the very best for the students. The flashbacks related to her past, are hauntingly sad, and we get to know the hardships and the struggles she has had to cope up with. A character with a heart of gold, Gladys is the star of the book.

Beyond School’ is a book that will make you reminisce your childhood, guaranteeing a travel down the memory lane. It’s a tale that should be read by parents and teachers along with their child, nurturing the bond and understanding their needs. Only if the latter half would have been edited better and the sequence of events dug up in a more polished manner, this book would surely have neared brilliance.

Title: Beyond School
Authors: Chitra Anand
Publisher: Leadstart Publishing Pvt Ltd
Publication Year: 2014
Language: English
Binding: Paperback
Genre: Reality Fiction
ISBN -10: 9383562404
ISBN-13: 978-9383562404
No. of Pages: 201
Price: Rs 125
My Rating: 3/5

This book review is a part of The Readers Cosmos Book Review Program. To get free books log on to

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Only If

This is where it started - a cacophony of rhythms finely tuned to render a softness that tugged at heartstrings. I played the drum, John and Sheila handed the vocals, Brian made the synthesizer his own while the Kelvin twins ruled the guitars.

And then, love happened, and bonds broke.

Sheila and I weren't meant to be together, but we didn't know it then. As the initial romance died, differences crept in. Gradually, love ended, and so did the band.

Fifteen years have passed, and the memories still resonate; only if love wasn't there, only if life had been fairer.

This 100 word fiction is shared with Friday Fictioneers.

Kittens And A Pup

kittens and a pup
play along with fallen leaves
in garden orange

This Haiku is shared with Carpe Diem - Dogs Howling.

Thursday, October 09, 2014


she trusts her diary
sharing secrets, not knowing
he reads them too

This Haiku is shared with Haiku My Heart - Believe.

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Road Trip

let's go go go
and go go go
a journey beyond
Himalayan snow
and oceans galore
lands of yore
let's go go go
and go go go

out in the desert
my car got stuck
a bit of whining
I need a truck
to sail on the road
like the navy's ship
dreams explore
yeah, rule this trip

let's go go go
and go go go
tumbling down
a circus clown
I won't get tired
am devil, am fired
rocking the show
let's go go go

This Poem is shared with

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Rain Song

stars, red, blue and green
hidden in the monsoon sky
farmer sings rain song

This Haiku is shared with Haiku Horizons - Sky.


a sparrow
inside the castle
or a spy

This Haiku is shared with Carpe Diem - Castle.

Sunday, October 05, 2014

Half Girlfriend - Review

Madhav is a Bihari boy with big dreams who falls in love with the beautiful Riya, a rich lass from Delhi. There are some fundamental differences between the two. Madhav’s English isn’t all that great, but Riya speaks the best English. Madhav wants Riya to be his girlfriend but Riya disagrees. She wants them to be just friends but he definitely wants more. Riya finally comes up with a suggestion, a compromise – she agrees to become his half-girlfriend! Chetan Bhagat presents a simple and beautiful love story that will move you with all the nuances of a modern-day relationship. It also inspires you to realize your individual dreams.

About the Author
Chetan Bhagat is a famous contemporary Indian writer, speaker, columnist and novelist. He was born in New Delhi in 1974. Considered one of India's most popular writers of fiction, Chetan Bhagat is an alumnus of the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. Before becoming a fulltime writer, Chetan worked as an investment banker for a few years. The New York Times called him ‘the biggest selling English language novelist in India’s history’. Some of Chetan's other notable works are Five Point Someone, One Night at the Call Centre, 2 States, The 3 Mistakes of My Life, and Revolution 2020. Three of his books have been adapted into Bollywood movies, two of which went on to become massive hit movies: 3 Idiots and Kai Po Che!

You can love him, you can hate him, but you simply can’t ignore him. That’s Chetan Bhagat for you. Often criticized for his usage of ‘easy’ English in his books, Bhagat is obviously not the eye candy for the purists. However, his success can’t be credited to sheer luck, and obviously there is something in his stories that turns his books into bestsellers. Whether it is the adaption of a foreign language in a lucid manner so that every person finds comfort reading it, or the racy breezy plot that keeps one’s attention glued to the pages, Bhagat’s books surely deserves to be read at least once, even by his strongest of haters.

Because, as rightly said by Bhagat once, “It’s not easy to write easy.”

Half Girlfriend’, one of the most awaited books of the year, is the sixth fiction novel of Bhagat. The story based on the premise of love, revolves around the protagonists Madhav and Riya, both studying in St. Stephen’s College, Delhi. While Madhav is from Bihar, and has difficulty speaking English, Riya is extremely fluent in the language, having been born and brought up in Delhi in a posh locality. Fate brings these two contrasting individuals together, and destiny separates them. Is their love real, or is it just the attraction of youth? A lot is unfolded in this romantic novel.

The plot is a typical Chetan Bhagat storyline, with love and romance, dreams and aspirations, strewn with the hurdles of relationships, and the subsequent struggle of the protagonists to overcome all obstacles. The setting and the dialogues sound familiar, and the readers can easily relate to the turn of events. Often at times, you risk losing your heart to the beautiful Riya. Again, there are moments when you would like to throw a punch right on Madhav’s face for his brashness and rough behavior towards the girl. But then, somewhere deep down, you pray that Madhav and Riya get together at some point in the story, to be blessed with a unity that lasts forever.

And then comes the heartbreaking twist in the form of Riya’s letter, and you know things can never be the same again. I am not revealing any further regarding the plot, as that would spoil the entire show for those who haven’t read it yet.

The story progresses across three locations –Delhi, Bihar and New York, and to the writer’s credit, he has been able to beautifully portray the scenery and ambiance of these three places. They play as vital a role as the characters, and add to the plus points of the book. The occasional humor makes you smile, and it adds a feel good factor to ‘Half Girlfriend’.

The book seems to get a tad bit predictable towards the end, but that gets compensated with the twists that the author manages to introduce in the earlier chapters. Again, Chetan Bhagat’s books are addictive, and like his other books, it’s tough to keep ‘Half Girlfriend’ down once you start it.  

The book also comes with beautiful message that mocks at the class distinction that exists in today’s society. True love in itself is a richness, and can never be measured in terms of money. ‘Half Girlfriend’ portrays the modern day society, the characters a fine mix of fiction and reality, blending into a convenient plot to produce a good entertaining read.

Title: Half Girlfriend
Author: Chetan Bhagat
Publisher: Rupa Publication India
Publication Year: 2014
Language: English
Binding: Paperback
Genre: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
No. of Pages: 260
Price: Rs 176
My Rating: 4/5

Saturday, October 04, 2014

A Letter From My Father - Review

Daksh Aggarwal is a simple 18 year old Delhi guy who had only one problem in his life - his complicated relationship with his father. He has been passionate about music from his childhood but more than that he was passionate about making his dad feel proud of him. He saw both painful and happy times .. he witnessed life and he witnessed death. His life was simple but still complicated.
Out of all the complications was he able to set up a happy life for himself? Or in his bumpy journey of making his dad realize his worth he ended up doing something terrible? What does the letter from his father has got for him in it? Find out.

About the Author
Kanak Aggarwal, a 19 year old Delhi based guy is currently living in Bhiwani, pursuing from the Technological Institute of Textile and Sciences. He is a curious learner. Gaining knowledge is his favorite hobby. Occasionally, he loves to play guitar and sing along. He’s been winning hearts of people, especially girls, through the vast list of his talents such as swimming; basketball and weightlifting. Not to forget he is a state level at all three of them. Participating in oratory competition have also been the source of his excitement. He loves travelling and clicking pictures of himself. Pencil sketching has been another past time. ‘A letter from my father’ is his debut novel.
You can reach him at

Do you know that saying - ‘beauty in simplicity’? Often, what seems simple is one that is beautiful, filled with a purity that’s unparalleled and a music that resonates softly, caressing your mind. One doesn’t require sophistication in life. Rather, a recipe that flows straight from the heart serves as the perfect concoction to walk ahead.

Kanak Aggarwal’sA Letter From My Father’ is a straightforward narrative of a son and his relation with his father. Daksh Aggarwal, a simple teenage guy, is the protagonist of the story. He talks about his life, and how his father influenced his actions and outcomes in each and every stage of his growth. His first day at school, his eagerness to learn the piano, and how he was forced by his father to sacrifice his passion for music and instead join swimming classes are all well documented in this piece. Each chapter comes up with new experiences, both for Daksh as well as the reader, and the crisp smooth story – writing style makes one feel that the narrator is standing right in front of us, the pages of the book flowing like a full – fledged motion picture.

The focus obviously, is always on Daksh, and his father Raj. However, the other characters, like Daksh’s mother, his sister Sanya, and his friend Shruti, play vital roles in carrying the story forward. Each of them is like a piece of building blocks, combining to form a beautiful whole; had one gone missing and the tower would have fallen apart.

Now comes a big concern, something that has often puzzled me. Several new-age authors resort to vernacular dialogues in English novels. A bit of vernacular is fine, but what if it’s strewn quite often in the book. Obviously, an English novel with Hindi lines punctuated here and there would not go down with readers who are not well versed with the language. In that context, if such a book is marketed as a Hindlish novel and not purely English, that would be justifiable. ‘A Letter From My Father’ follows in the same bracket. There are several conversations that have taken place in Hindi, and obviously a person not acquainted with Hindi wouldn’t be able to grasp them. What about those who know the language? Purists wouldn’t approve of usage of vernacular in an English novel, but if you ask me, I didn’t mind it much since I felt that the dialogues were in sync with the progression and the characterization. They actually made the plot seem all the more real. I wouldn’t complain, but I too would suggest the author to resort to English when he writes his next English novel, and not add too many Hindi lines to it.

The author has potential, and I found him quite promising. His words are direct and do not beat around the bush, so anyone looking for a quick read can pick up this copy. Though simple in form and style, ‘A Letter From My Father’ is a real page-turner, putting forth feelings of love, hatred, fear, pain, victory and loss in this relationship tale.

Title: A Letter From My Father
Author: Kanak Aggarwal
Publisher: Lampshade Publications
Publication Year: 2014
Language: English
Binding: Paperback
Genre: Fiction, Teens
No. of Pages: 160
Price: Rs 125
My Rating: 4/5

Friday, October 03, 2014


why blame just dragons
who spit fire as they exhale
humans' tongues sting too

This Haiku is shared with Carpe Diem - Fire.

Wednesday, October 01, 2014


you pass on memories
in shining paper boats
blue ripples all the way
look, how they float

I hold on to memories
that swim by my shore
like mirage in deserts
some dreams are no more

we sit on failing prayers
and wishes we hoped were true
the sweeping breeze hums our song
weathered by time, and yet so new

This Poem is shared with